Rose Power

Tuesday 6 December 2011


I have been reading 'Twitterature', which on the outside looks like any Penguin classic. However, the inside is a little different...
The blurb claims it has 'distilled' 60 great works of literature, 'relieving you of the burdensome task of reading' them. They have disregarded proper English for language typical of Twitter: capital letters for emphasis, extreme punctuation, short statements, swearing.

Some highlights were Oedipus (MY EYES MY FUCKING EYES AGGGGHHGHGHGHGHHH!!!!! I was totally not expecting that to hurt so much') and my favourite book The Odyssey ('Finally home. Everything good! Wait, who the fuck are these dudes hitting on Penelope?')

I was interested in how bizarre it seems for books to be rewritten in an internet format... and then put back into a book. But it works; it's funny.

I looked at the Twitter pages of present-day authors, like Neil Gaiman (above) but these are simply to update and communicate with fans, rather than a medium for writing. I wonder if I could use Twitter for my idea.

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