Rose Power

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Books vs. Technology

This would be a terrible title as it's very misleading; we forget that books themselves are the product of technology.
A childrens' book about the invention of the Gutenberg press
In the 15th Century, the printing press would have been the height of technology, causing similar controversy to new technology today. People mourned the loss of the beautiful illustrations and calligraphy that filled the handmade books previously used. As books were more widely available, reading aloud became much less prevalent. Some were worried that reading the Bible (the first book to be published on the Gutenberg press) alone would allow then to interpret it their own way - very dangerous! 
Kindle fail: a book never runs out of battery
A better title might be Books vs. NEW Technology, as I have been researching Kindles (and other e-readers) 
A list I made from my research on forums and articles
As you can see, on paper Kindles look like a vast improvement. But a lot of the reasons why people prefer real books are difficult to describe. It's more to do with the experience of handling them, or the atmosphere of a bookshop or library; these things are very important to some, myself included.

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