Rose Power

Sunday 16 October 2011

Project Ideas... A fresh start

I misunderstood the brief when I came up with my 3 initial ideas, so I have scrapped those.

Apparently our project does not need to be ABOUT contemporary technologies, it simply has a be executed through a technological method. I can choose anything I am interested in as long as I use social media to my advantage, in a culturally considered way, to illustrate this idea. This makes things a lot harder!

I have decided to draw on the roots of my current illustration project to produce something harmonious to work on alongside it.
In that project am working around the idea of 'power' to develop a satirical comparison between decadent monarchs of the past and their current day equivalent: celebrity 'royalty'. This will consist of drawings done by hand using a wide range of historical and current resources, along with collages composed using the technology of Photoshop.

How can I adapt the ideas and images in this project? Which contemporary technologies will lend themselves to my aesthetic and how can I  use my chosen technologies to benefit/improve my work (and myself as an illustrator).

This is in the early stages, but it makes sense to create a website to display my work. Successful illustrators use blogs or websites to showcase their work to prospective clients, like an online gallery. Following their example, young illustrators use blogs in a similar way, hoping their work will be discovered or providing an overview of their skills once they have. It can be confusing to know which blog to have, there are so many different ones, Blogspot, Tumblr and Wordpress perhaps being the main 3 contenders.

My new idea is to upload the same work to all 3 and consider which one is the most effective, adopting this as my new blog and using it to apply for internships and jobs. I'm not being lazy and 'regurgitating' work from another module, instead I am using it for a completely different purpose. The images I choose to display are less important than HOW I display them (and why). I hope to use neutral visuals on each blog, not only to make them look as similar as possible, but to suggest that ANY work could be shown here; this is merely an example/experiment.

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